Libby Anne and Dan Fincke are doing this cool thing called Forward Thinking where people blog about values. This week?s question is, what would you tell teenagers about sex?
I have a lot of perspectives on this. As a teenager, I wasn?t really told?anything about sex?good or bad. A few things, sure. I picked up a lot from the surrounding culture but by that point in my life I?d learned to be extremely skeptical of anything I see on TV or hear from a classmate.
The beginning of what I would tell teenagers about sex would actually be to teach them from early childhood to practice that sort of skepticism. It saved me from what I can only imagine would?ve been years of either feeling shame about my sexuality, getting into sexual situations I didn?t really want, or both.
But skepticism only gets you so far, and sometimes it can take you much too far?as soon as you start questioning people?s lived experiences and demanding to see proof, you should know you?ve wandered into hyperskepticism.
Besides that, it?s unreasonable to expect teens to seek out everything they need to know all about sex on their own. If I?m ever in charge of any teens, there are things I?d want them to know right off the bat.?So, here?starting with the most obvious and then wandering into what?s probably less obvious?is what I would tell teenagers about sex.
Credit: The New School
1. Basic health and safety stuff.
How to use condoms, dental dams, and Plan B. How to obtain and use hormonal birth control. What IUDs are. How pregnancy works and what options you have if you become pregnant. What STIs are, how they are transmitted, and how to tell if you have one.?What sorts of medical exams you need to get, and how often. How to find a gyno.
(This is where most non-abstinence-only sex ed seems to end.)
2. Sexual ethics.
A lot of things fit into this, starting with consent. Teens should know how to ask for consent and tell whether or not it has been given. They should also know how to communicate their own consent. They should understand that coercion is wrong; if someone doesn?t want to do something with you, stop asking. They should know how to discuss sexual and relational preferences, as well as STIs and other factors that affect sexual decision-making. They should know that cheating is wrong, but seeing multiple people with the consent of everyone involved is just fine.
3. Sexual harassment and assault.
As unpleasant and scary it will be for teens to hear about this, it?s something they need to understand. Sadly, there?s a good chance they do already, either from personal experience or hearing about it in the media. Teens should know what harassment and assault?are, that it can be perpetrated by anyone of any gender upon anyone of any gender, that there?s nothing you can do to cause sexual assault except sexually assaulting someone, and what options and resources there are for someone who?s been assaulted. They should also know about the cultural factors (victim-blaming, alcohol, gender roles, etc.) that contribute to the prevalence of sexual assault and what they can do to help reduce them. They should know when and how to safely intervene if they think someone is about to violate someone?s else?s boundaries.
4. You don?t owe anyone sex or intimacy.
Even if you?ve had sex with them before. Even if you said you would. Even if they?re your significant other. Even if they?ll be sad if you don?t.
Relatedly, if you ever feel uncomfortable in a sexual situation, get out of it if you are able to, as quickly as possible. Even if the other person hasn?t ?done anything? to make you uncomfortable. You don?t owe it to anyone to stay in a situation that you feel weird about.
4. Sexual/gender diversity.
I think it?s important for kids to know and understand the different ways in which humans experience gender and sexuality. Although it?s obviously impossible to be exhaustive with this, I would talk to young teens about being gay, lesbian, or bisexual; being trans*; being asexual; being intersex. Once they?re older, I would talk to them about kink and polyamory. Giving names to what might be their?own?desires will help them come to terms with their own experience and find like-minded people, but even if they turn out to be the most straight, cis, vanilla, monogamous people ever, it will help them accept others and support queer/otherwise nonconforming friends.
5. Masturbation.
It?s a great way to learn about your own sexual needs and preferences. It?s?definitely not something you have to stop doing just because you?re hooking up with/seeing someone regularly. Masturbating doesn?t mean you?re ?lonely? or ?pathetic?; it just means you enjoy experiencing sexuality independently.
6. Finding more information.
I don?t think it?s the responsibility of parents or teachers to tell teens everything they will?ever need to know about sex. They should know about some of the well-known and trusted resources that exist, such as Scarleteen, The Guide to Getting It On, and What You Really Really Want.?They should also know how to tell whether a resource is trustworthy or not (really, that?s an essential skill for skeptical teens in general).
I would also remind teens that if they need help or have questions, there are adults they can ask. I?d be one of them, but there are certainly others. Don?t be discouraged if you ask an adult for help and they judge you or refuse to answer. Being an adult doesn?t automatically make someone right.
7. As long as you?re being ethical and safe, there?s no wrong way to be sexual.
Despite what others?even other adults?will tell you, it?s nobody?s business what you do with consenting partners. It?s also completely okay if you don?t want to do anything with anyone at all. There?s no ?order? that sexual acts are supposed to progress in, and the bases analogy is crap. It?s also total crap that you have to be a certain way sexually just because of your gender. (Or race, or anything else, really.)
8. Related: sex serves different purposes for different people.
For some, it?s something you do to express love for a significant other. For others, it?s something fun to do with friends. Some don?t attach any ?meaning? to sex at all. Sexual relationships tend to work best between people who are both looking for the same thing, so that?s something to consider when planning to get involved with someone.
9. Sexuality isn?t separate from society.
Sexuality is affected?and affects in turn?everything from media and pop culture to law and foreign policy. It?s also important for understanding systems like beauty standards, sexism, racism, and poverty. Although it wouldn?t necessarily be my job as a parent or teacher of teenagers to explain to them exactly how all of these things work (who even understands that in its entirety?!), I would hope to at least make them curious about it. I would want them to start thinking about how different types of people are viewed sexually, and how political institutions determine what is sexually permissible in a given society.
10. Porn and sex work.
Two complicated subjects that most adults would rather keep teens sheltered from, to be sure. But we all know that doesn?t work. I would want to talk to teens about the ways in which porn and sex work misrepresent sexuality, and the ways in which capitalism, sexism, and other systems have created a society in which porn and sex work can be deeply exploitative and dangerous. If you?re going to participate in either, it is your responsibility to make sure that you?re doing so as ethically as possible.
11. Virginity.
It doesn?t really exist. Really! I?d love to get teenagers to read Hanne Blank?s brilliant history of virginity, but since that?s probably impossible, I?d just tell them that what we call ?virginity? has changed so much over the centuries that it really doesn?t even matter. Consequently, your ?first time? doesn?t have to include candles and rose petals; it might be awesome or it might suck or it might be anything in between, and that doesn?t say anything about you as a person or your sexual future. If someone has a problem with you ?being a virgin? or ?not being a virgin,? the problem is with?them, not you.
12. Question everything.
Question your desires: might they be influenced by the surrounding society?
Question what you see in the media about sex.
Question what your friends tell you.
Question what adults tell you.
Question what I?m telling you.
Question research studies.
Question laws and policies.
Question tropes about sexuality: that asking for consent ?ruins the moment,? that you ?need? alcohol to hook up, that sex is something ?special? and ?sacred,? that having casual sex means you don?t ?respect yourself,? that only penis-in-vagina is ?real sex,? that being a virgin makes you a ?loser,? that saying ?no? is always easy, that men can?t ?control themselves,? that if someone?s nice to you and wants sex, you should give it to them.
Questioning everything doesn?t mean discarding everything. It means understanding that sexuality is subjective, that desires and attitudes are always influenced by external factors. Just because the way you want to be sexual was probably influenced by your culture doesn?t mean that it?s invalid or that you should try to change it, but it?s good to be aware of how malleable human sexuality is.
Some people would probably claim that teenagers are too young (their frontal lobes?aren?t developed enough) for this type of thinking, but I strongly disagree. We sell teenagers short all the time. The fact that people don?t encounter this type of thinking until college (if they even go, and if they even encounter it there) doesn?t mean teens can?t do it. They just need to be encouraged to.
I also think that kids and teens can benefit greatly from being told things that they may not fully understand yet. It encourages them to view knowledge and learning as a process rather than an achievement, and reminds them not to get too cocky about what they know.
Sex is much too important a subject not to think critically about.
What would you tell teenagers about sex?
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