Getting Your Mobile App to?Stick
By Mike Martinez
It?s been a month, but I?m still in an Olympics frame of mind.? And it occurs to me that as mobile apps become cen?tral to the way con?sumers inter?act with busi?ness, we share a prob?lem with gym?nasts ? ya gotta stick the land?ing.
A sticky app must be retained by 30 per?cent of down?load?ers, accord?ing to Pew Research Center?s Inter?net and Amer?i?can Life Project. So it?s not just about down?load?ing the app, it?s about keep?ing the app on their smart phones.
How do you get it to?stick?
The app must have a bal?ance of tools that make the own?er?ship expe?ri?ence eas?ier, but also offer fea?tures that help the cus?tomer inter?act with the deal?er?ship. For exam?ple, Dri?ver Con?nect, the dealer branded mobile app by DMEau?to?mo?tive, offers fun tools such as ?Find My Car,? ?My Park?ing Meter? and a ?Loan Cal?cu?la?tor.? How?ever, the most value comes from tools like ?Appoint?ment? where the cus?tomer is able to com?plete online ser?vice sched?ul?ing, and ?My Cars? which pro?vides infor?ma?tion on the main?te?nance of their vehicle(s). The dealer is even able to send per?sonal com?mu?ni?ca?tions through ?Mes?sages? and pro?vide coupons and pro?mo?tions through ?Spe?cial Offers.?
Stick?ing the land?ing comes by bal?anc?ing the ?sticky? fea?tures and tools offered in your app that make the whole app expe?ri?ence more appeal?ing to cus?tomers. When it?s your app, you?re con?trol?ling and build?ing the rela?tion?ship. You?re cre?at?ing the inti?mate cus?tomer con?nec?tion; it?s you that is in their pocket and?purse.
Mike Mar?tinez is Chief Mar?ket?ing Offi?cer of DMEau?to?mo?tive, the indus?try leader in science-based, results-driven auto?mo?tive mar?ket?ing that pro?vides a range of mar?ket?ing ser?vices to the biggest and most inno?v?a?tive auto?mo?tive orga?ni?za?tions in the indus?try. For more infor?ma?tion, email
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