Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Races [Editing]

First off, this still needs to be cleaned up and beautified, but all the information is here for the most part.

Also, many of the races are not knowledgable of the other races. Keep that in mind while RP'ing.

Androids: A robot designed to resemble a human, usually both in appearance and behavior. In many cases they are simply no different from cyborgs; the difference being only skin-deep, as androids look human but have the same internal mechanics as robots. But the more advanced Androids are wholly organic, yet artificial creations. Usually androids start out as another race, but are enhanced with technology, such as the Android #18. The exception is the biotechnological androids like Cell, who was entirely created with the use of cells of other beings.

Starting BP: 1500

o Starting Abilities:

i. ---o Tier 1: Energy Absorption: Some androids have the ability to absorb energy with their hands, be it a Ki Blast or Ki directly from the person?s body. Only Tier 1 attacks may be absorbed; whatever damage it was meant to do, take that damage and restore half of that to your BP. Using it to draw Ki from someone's body (Touch them to do it) takes 8% BP from the opponent and restores 3% of your BP. Can only be used in both scenerio's once.
ii. ---o Tier 1: Eye Beams: Ki-beams launched from the eyes.
iii. ---o Tier 1: Energy Blitz: Energy stored from the Energy Absorption can be released in a powerful, yet compact blast of Ki. Only becomes available when absorbing one attack; Energy Blitz is not limited to its uses like Absorption. (Does 14% damage; takes away 7% BP)

Special Ability: The Androids do not have to prep for some attacks. Since they lack Ki of their own, their power rises while they're fighting. So any one of their turns count as a prep turn, which allows them to fire a Tier 1 Ki attack automatically on the next turn. Tier 2 attacks delve into the limits of the androids, allowing them to power up for Tier 2 - Tier X attacks.

A.I. - Battle Info
Androids, on DBT, have a unique way of 'transforming', which is by the data that their Artificial Intelligence picks up during their fighting. Literally, they gain 'transformations' like everyone else (getting a certain power level). But when they gain the power level, they must go to the lab/place they were created and instantly compress the fighting data they picked up from their enemies, which teaches them how to react better; improves their internal mechanics; that sort of thing.

o A.I. Upgrade 1: An android's first upgrade, in which their A.I. fortifies every bit of their being with th analyzed data they received while watching other fighters. 120,000 BP Needed (BP x 5)
o A.I. Upgrade 2: Further examination and battle experience will boost ther skills even further. 350,000 BP Needed (BP x 10)
o A.I. Upgrade 3: By now, amost every race has been seen and nearly every art of fighting watched closely, which will increase their skills once again. 600,000 BP Needed (BP x 15)
o Perfect Upgrade: When all three A.I. upgrades have been gained, that data is, overtime, all applied perfectly to the Android's form. They learn to apply everything they've learned to mold them into the perfect fighting machines. 1,000,000 BP Needed (An automatically gained Transformation). (BP x 20)

Disadvantages: Androids cannot use rejuvenation tanks, nor can they make use of sensu beans.

Changelings: All that is known about this race is that they posses the ability to transform not once, but several times. Doing so greatly increases their power.

Starting BP: 1700

o Starting Abilities:

i. ---o Tier 1: Eye Beams: Ki-beams launched from the eyes.
ii. ---o Tier 1: Crusher Ball: The user charges a medium sized ball of energy in one hand, then bats it with the other hand toward the enemy. Speed of the ball is determined by the power of the hit.

Special Ability: |Henshin| Build up Ki and change your form. Henshin means basically 'changing forms'. Each consecutive form is more powerful than the one before. Many other races have to do special things to get their transformations. Changelings have nothing to do except gain the needed power level, and then they automatically get their transformation.

o Form 1: 120,000 BP Needed (BP x 5)
o Form 2: 350,000 BP Needed (BP x 10)
o Form 3: 600,000 BP Needed (BP x 15)
o 100% Form: 1,000,000 BP Needed (BP x 20)

Disadvantages: Start with - 25 negative points.

Demons: Usually evil creatures who like to kill. The King of Demons is Dabura.

Starting BP: 1550

o Starting Abilities:

i. ---o Tier 1: Cube Fade: The cube fade is an evasive technique that allows your body to break down into cubes and appear in any destination you wish.
ii. ---o Tier 1: Evil Flame: Breathe in the surrounding thermal energy, and then send it out of your mouth with Ki to quite literally "breathe fire".

Special Ability: |Stone Spit| Creates a thin sheet of stone that covers the enemy, binding them for one turn. |Dark Impulse| is also added as soon as you can get Tier 2 attacks. (Choice to start with sword or not.)

o Demonic Power: This is the awakening of a Demon's true power; this is the only transformation that requires the demon to go through extreme emotion, whether it be hate or anything else of negative design. 100,000 BP Needed (BP x 5)
o Hell's Design: After the awakening of a Demon's true power, they must return to Hell once gaining this power level. As soon as they arrive, they're welcomed with an instant power boost. 325,000 BP Needed (BP x 10)
o Enthralling Darkness: The Enthralling Darkness is an automatic transformation in which all the evil in the Universe gives the Demon power. 640,000 BP Needed (BP x 15)

Disadvantages: May not use spirit bomb or spirit ball.

Humans: This is a race to which we all belong. Humans inhabit the Planet Earth, and apart from a few individuals, most are comparatively weak along side people like the Saiyajin and Namekians, because most of the race doesn't know a thing about Ki manipulation.

Starting BP: 1200

o Starting Abilities:

i. ---o Tier 1: Zanzoken: The After Image technique; simply put.?
ii. ---o Tier 1: Dynamite Kick: It looks like a normal kick, except after the kick hits the enemy, you say "Detonate" - An explosion then follows.?

Special Ability: Humans get a choice between Destructo disc and Dodonpa; Humans may train themselves to use the 4 arm technique, which powers up the damage their melee does.?

Disadvantages: They have a low starting BP.

Kerubo-Jins: The Elvin creatures of the Dragon Ball Z universe. They lived on a planet with a lot of seismic activity, and once revered a catfish-like creature as their God until they went to Earth (Never did in the anime, but makes it easier to maintain the forum). Like humans, they don't know much about Ki Manipulation, but are naturally faster and have great precision (than the humans).

Starting BP: 1200

o Starting Abilities:

i. ---o Tier 1: Buster Cannon: The user extends his hands outwards from his body slightly raised, the user then gathers energy upon their palms. Once enough energy is gathers the user will push their hands forward shooting a large single beam of Ki at the opponent. The power of such attack is determined by how much energy gathers.
ii. ---o Tier 1: Zanzoken: The After Image technique; simply put. The Kerubo-Jins are able to use this 5 times.

Disadvantages: Low starting BP.

Konatsa-Jin: They are a very noble race and will often fight off enemies, even if the odds are against them. They're able to use a special ocarina to temporarily fend off from the most evil of beings, and they're VERY adept swordsmen.?

Starting BP: 1400

o Starting Abilities:

i. ---o Tier 1: Brave Slash: Infuse your blade with Ki, every swing thrusting forth a crescent-shaped mass of explosive Ki. (Bladed weapon needed)
ii. ---o Tier 1: Hyper Tornado: Using your body like a torpedo, thrust yourself with the momentous spin of a tornado toward your opponent.

Special Ability: All Konatsa-Jin start with swords and an Ocarina, allowing them to paralyze their enemies for a turn; must prep though (start half of the song in prep post, finish it off in "launch" post). Can only be used twice. They also cause the most damage with swords (3% BP).

o Courage: 110,000 BP Needed (BP x 5)
o Bravery: 315,000 BP Needed (BP x 10)
o Ancient Konatsu-Jin: The power of the ancient Konatsu-Jins enchants your mind, body, and soul. 700,000 BP Needed (Sword damage is increased another 2%) (BP x 15)

Disadvantages: May not use evil-based techniques.?

Majins: This is the race to which Babidi and his father, Bibidi belong. They have the power to enslave evil fighters, feeding their darkest desires until they become Majin. All of them Majin have the symbol of the Majin on their body. Be warned that not all you turn Majin will obey you.

Starting BP: 1150

o Starting Abilities:

i. ---o Tier 1: Chou Makouhou (Mouth Beam): The user opens his mouth, generating a powerful, thick beam of Ki.
ii. ---o Tier 1: Crusher Ball: The user charges a medium sized ball of energy in one hand, then bats it with the other hand toward the enemy. Speed of the ball is determined by the power of the hit.
iii. ---o Tier 1: Hana Gaeshi Kameha: This is the ability to block a Kamehameha and other Tier 1 blasts by putting your hands in front of your chest and exerting a powerful psychic force. Can use twice.

Special Ability: |Mind Control| Once reaching a certain power, you'll gain the ability to turn others Majin. Up to two can be turned Majin by you.

Disadvantages: If turned majin, if you're BP is 25% or more lower than the one that turned you, you're servitude cannot be broken by will.

Makyo-Jins: This is the race to which Garlci Jr. belongs. They inhabit the Makyo Star, which gives them great power. They are much like Changelings, although they have one transformation that grows stronger and stronger as time passes.

Starting BP: 1400

o Starting Abilities:

i. ---o Tier 1: Double Sunday: Charged beams fired from both hands.
ii. ---o Tier 1: Darkness Eye Beams: Evil Ki-beams launched from the eyes. Stronger than normal eye beams.
iii. ---o Tier 1: Kaikosen (Paralyze): Muster up your Ki and force it onto the opponent in a haze-like form, using it to momentarily paralyze your opponent.

Special Ability: |Dead Zone| Automatically added once you gain your last transformation, which doesn't use up any of the slots (meaning that with Dead Zone, you still get to choose the normal number of Tier X abilities as the limit states).

o Hidden Power: 120,000 BP Needed (BP x 5)
o Henshin Form 1: 280,000 BP Needed[/b] (BP x 10)
o Makyo Star: In order to gain this transformation, the Makyo-Jin must travel back to the Makyo Star and absorb a fraction of its power. 600,000 BP Needed (BP x 15)

Disadvantages: The Makyo Star passes once a week, on Wednesday. If you don't post that day about obtaining the last transformation on that day, you must wait until next Wednesday.

[b]Namekians (Nameksei-Jin): This is a race of aliens reminiscent of slugs, save for the speed differences. They are the only creatures capable of creating the Dragon Balls, which reside only on Namek. It?s unfortunate for them they are all asexual, but it gives them an advantage, life-span wise.

Starting BP: 1350

o Starting Abilities:

i. ---o Tier 1: Makouhou (Mouth Beam): The user opens his mouth, generating a powerful, thick beam of Ki.
ii. ---o Tier 1: Mystic Attack: Stretching your limbs.

Special Ability: |Regeneration| They come with a regeneration ability that can be used once per battle to restore 10% BP. Can always heal from Progressive damage.

o Kyodaika: It is like a Namek's form of the Saiyajin Oozaru. This ability greatly increases their size and strength. - Innate, Doubles BP
o Fused Namek: Fusing with another Namekian, you gain their power and soul, and your personality changes until their soul has completely become one with your own. (The first two times, it's a storyline transformation done with an NPC. After that, the fusion is optional and can be done with actual characters - You get their power, but they die and cannot come back.) - 120,000 BP Needed(BP x 5)
o Fused Namek 2: 320,000 BP Needed (BP x 10)
o Super Namek: 620,000 BP Needed (BP x 15)


Saiyajin: They first arrived on the Planet Plant in 550AD and eventually took over the planet, renaming it Vegeta. They are very human in appearance, but are adept users of Ki. They are superior in strength to most of the race and are feared across the galaxy. On the full moon, they are said to turn into gigantic apes.

Starting BP: 1800

o Starting Abilities:

i. ---o Tier 1: Explosive Wave: Cause your aura to coalesce onto your body, and then send it back out instantly empowered by Ki, creating an explosive aura that expands out to collide with the opponent.
ii. ---o Tier 1: Gekiretsu Madan (Rapid Ki Barrage): Though it can be performed in many ways the end result is the user releasing multiple Ki beams at the chosen target with deadly precision, though the beam number is chosen by the user this attack can be charged to create larger more effective beams to which smash the target and can be continued for as long as the user has energy to sustain the barrage.

Special Ability: |Artificial Moon| This is the ability to create a fake moon by compressing the atmosphere with a ball of energy. Upon detonation the white sphere expands its 2ft size to an identical replica of the moon itself. Also, after every loss (If they don't die and if the Saiyajin actually spends the time to go to a regeneration tube) an extra 5% is added to the BP boost.

o Oozaru Innate - Doubles BP Can only use Mouth Blast and Physical Attacks if character age is between 10-17. 18 and above are trained to control it.
o Super Saiyajin: Transgressing oneself and becoming a Super Saiyan is triggered by an event of incredible despair and anger. In the moments leading up to the change, the eyes become unfocused and the body rattles like an earthquake is welling up inside ? after which, the transformation occurs like an instantaneous maelstrom of energy! Supposedly, one must have a power level in the multi-millions beforehand, and also have a pure heart (good, evil, or otherwise?) during the time of transformation. - 150,000 BP Needed (BP x 5)
o Super Saiyajin 1, Level 2: This transformation has no roots in rage ? but is brought about by extensive training and control over the state of Super Saiyan. Turning into this state resembles that of an extensive power-up sequence, in which the aura rages uncontrollably and is finally finished with a great flash of light, with a transformed Saiyan at the center. (Only gained if training in Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Super Saiyajin 1 - Not needed for Super Saiyan 2.) - 250,000 BP Needed (BP x 7)
o Super Saiyajin 1, Level 3: A state the pushes even further beyond the Super Saiyan type 2, taking everything to an even greater level. Conditions to meet in order to transform are the same as the previous stage, but for a longer period of time. Transforming is a much longer process than before, and causes an earthquake as though the planet fearful of the power soon to be unleashed. During this, the pupils may disappear, returning once the transformation is complete. (Can only be gained if you got Super Saiyajin 1, Level 2. Again, not needed for Super Saiyan 2. Just an option.) 350,000 BP Needed (BP x10)
o Super Saiyajin 2: The first true transformation beyond the original state of Super Saiyan ? this stage is not so common as its predecessor(s) and sets an entirely new standard for the way battles are fought. 650,000 BP Needed (BP x 15)
o Super Saiyajin 3: This transformation marks the end of the progression of Super Saiyans, and is the greatest culmination of Saiyan power when naturally realized. - 1,250,000 BP Needed (BP x 20)

Disadvantages: Until obtaining a power level of 10,000, getting your tail grabbed results in you being paralized as long as it's being held. Can only be held two turns in a row, though.

Saiyajin Halflings

Starting BP: 1500

o Starting Abilities:

i. ---o Tier 1: Explosive Wave: Cause your aura to coalesce onto your body, and then send it back out instantly empowered by Ki, creating an explosive aura that expands out to collide with the opponent.
ii. ---o Tier 1: Gekiretsu Madan (Rapid Ki Barrage): Though it can be performed in many ways the end result is the user releasing multiple Ki beams at the chosen target with deadly precision, though the beam number is chosen by the user this attack can be charged to create larger more effective beams to which smash the target and can be continued for as long as the user has energy to sustain the barrage.

Special Ability: After every loss (see Saiyajin's Special Abilty for details) an extra 5% is added to the BP boost. |RAGE!!| The Saiyajin Halfling gets the ability Rage, right off the bat. When their BP reaches 20% they do double damage (Rage is no longer able to work after you transform to Super Saiyajin 2).

o Oozaru: - This is an innate transformation Can only use Mouth Blast and physical attacks! Can control if trained on Planet Vegeta. (Rage will not activate if in Oozaru form)
o Super Saiyajin 1: If the child is conceived by a Player Character before the parent goes SSJ, they will have to turn on their gene in the normal way. If the Saiyan has already gone SSJ it causes a change in the DNA that allows the Saiyan to go SSJ much easier. All starting Halflings will need extreme emotion to transform. - 150,000 BP Needed (BP x 5)
o Super Saiyajin 1, Level 2: This transformation has no roots in rage ? but is brought about by extensive training and control over the state of Super Saiyan. Turning into this state resembles that of an extensive power-up sequence, in which the aura rages uncontrollably and is finally finished with a great flash of light, with a transformed Saiyan at the center. (Only gained if training in Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Super Saiyajin 1) 250,000 BP Needed
o Super Saiyajin 1, Level 3: A state the pushes even further beyond the Super Saiyan type 2, taking everything to an even greater level. Conditions to meet in order to transform are the same as the previous stage, but for a longer period of time. Transforming is a much longer process than before, and causes an earthquake as though the planet fearful of the power soon to be unleashed. During this, the pupils may disappear, returning once the transformation is complete. (Can only be gained if you got Super Saiyajin 1, Level 2) 350,000 BP Needed
o Super Saiyajin 2: The first true transformation beyond the original state of Super Saiyan ? this stage is not so common as its predecessor(s) and sets an entirely new standard for the way battles are fought. 600,000 BP Needed (BP x 15)
o Super Saiyajin 3: First, let it be known that in Dragon Ball Z, it isn't said that halflings cannot transcend. It's only stated that no one, other than Goku, trained under the conditions he did to gain it. For this reason, the halflings are able to transform beyond 2 in DBT. 1,200,000 BP Needed (BP x 20)

Disadvantages: Cannot control the Oozaru form. Until obtaining a power level of 10,000, getting your tail grabbed results in you being paralized as long as it's being held. Can only be held two turns in a row, though.

Yardrat-jin: They are a physically weak race, but possess the ability to manipulate space and time.

Starting BP: 1200

o Starting Abilities:

i. ---o Tier 1: Ikoukan o Hatsusei: This defensive technique opens up a portal, allowing you to absorb a ki blast. Takes 2% BP from User.
ii. ---o Tier 1: Double Sunday: Charged beams fired from both hands. Does 10% Damage; Takes 4% BP from User.

Special Ability: The Yardrat-jin start with Instant Transmission right from the start.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/H2jWVNZZDOg/viewtopic.php

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